Mononucleosis Signs and Symptoms

Mononucleosis Signs and Symptoms

Enlarged tonsils. One of the distinctive symptoms of mononucleosis is a considerable swelling of the tonsils. This swelling can become so extensive that you may have trouble breathing, and certainly have extreme issues in ingesting food or drink. The enlarged tonsils may also be a source of considerable pain, and medical care is definitely advised at the earliest.

A rapid pulse. You may be intrigued to know that when you suffer from mononucleosis your heart rate is accelerated, much the same as it is when you exercise. The accelerated heart rate is a response to stress – in the case of exercise, it is physical stress, while in the case of mononucleosis it is the stress of the infection. A rapid heart rate at rest is a symptom that demands closer examining. In mononucleosis, your heart should put out ten extra beats every minute when at rest.

Muscular pains. Mononucleosis causes severe pains in the muscular tissues. When combined with exhaustion and fever, this can be considered an important symptom of the disease. Ibuprofen is generally prescribed to assist with this issue, as is a heightened fluid intake… and plenty of rest.

Breathlessness. Mononucleosis seems to put a considerable amount of stress on the system, and you may find that your breathing is heightened, that is to say, you are breathing at faster than your normal rate, or else that you are feeling breathless. This is because the infection is placing considerable amounts of stress on the body, and also because the tonsils are enlarged, constricting the air passageways. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should consult your health specialist and check if they are caused by mononucleosis. As your body heals from the infection, these symptoms – including the breathlessness – will pass.