Zika Virus Symptoms, Signs and Facts
Mosquitos are more dangerous than many people think. Also, having sex is not that safe not only because of the popular reasons. The Zika virus may be one more reason to be careful. One more common disease is the West Nile. Aedes mosquito is one of the most threatening types of parasites as it the carrier of some viruses and bacteria which may lead to Zika. One of the ways to get infected is through having an act of intimacy. Apply condoms at least half a year to reduce the possibility of previous Zika to pop out again.
The signs of this type of virus are often soft. 80% of the individuals attacked by the mosquito do not experience any symptom thanks to the strong immune system and some other factors. Fever and rash (red spots over the body) are among the most typical systems of people who are extra sensitive and have weak immune system. They sometimes may feel ache in the muscles and joints. From time to time, conjunctivitis symptoms show up.
Embryos on the last stage are also under the threat. They risk facing complications caused by the disease in case of the ill mother. Pregnancy makes women especially weak and sensitive to any insects’ bites, especially this sort of mosquitos. The infected females may experience the impact or terrible microcephaly (e.g. delays in communication and limited movements).
Aedes mosquitos usually don’t travel with the tourists as they require specific climate and are not adapted to flights or long travels. Grown-up mosquitos are usually able to transfer the virus, but they are not good travelers. Besides, they can exist and reproduce only in Zika-risky regions of the globe, not the United States or Europe.
Try to use various insect repellents when going to the Zika-affected areas. They are not that expensive in the markets. It is better to prevent the bites than to suffer the possible consequences, even if not that severe. Such element as picaridin present in the recommended products scare off the wild mosquitos. These liquids also contain at least 20% DEET. Remember those nasty insects are especially active closer to the dawn and dusk.
It is recommended to monitor the mosquito population in order to avoid occasions with Zika virus involved. Not only Aedes mosquitos may cause troubles: some other exotic types can lead even to the worse consequences. It might be even something life-threatening, so the person should be ready to face the challenge and get armed to the teeth with the corresponding sprays, gels, and repellents. Experts apply specific chemical pesticides that destroy the insect population. However, one should watch out as these chemicals have a lot of side effects on human health if not used properly.