Mental Health Disorders. Mental Illness Signs and Symptoms

If you remain anxious for a while without any good reason, it is the warning proof of some emotional disorders. Mental health disorders may be as serious as the physiological illnesses. They are often supported by the significant risks to physiological health as well. According to statistics, about 18.1% of the entire US population face at least one mental disorder during their lives. The statistics was gathered in the previous year. The situation only gets worse as more and more adolescents share they are not satisfied with their lives.

Without corresponding treatment, mental disorders may impact even physiological health of the person. Any mental disorder has a long-term nature. More than ten percent of the entire US population share they have emotional issues. Children starting from the age of 12 experience various depressions and anxiety conditions regularly. The most common type is an addiction – a psychological dependence upon something. Usually, those are some bad habits like smoking or drinking as well as gambling, sexual videos, and video games.

As the fashion for anorexia appeared, its impact still can be noticed among the young girls and even some guys. It caused an eating disorder, which was discovered in 20 million US citizens. That is not about “faddy” eating. It may refer either too lacking food or overeating. People try to manage their lives through the medium of meals.  Population aged up to 70 experience this problem.

Overall depression is another common mental disorder in the United States and all over the world. It attacks about 6.7% of citizens annually. It often leads to fatal outcomes such as suicide. Other symptoms include loss of appetite, loss of interest in life, an absence of life goals, insomnia, and other sleep disorders. It is impossible to derive positive aspects from life without understanding your mission.

Have you ever heard of PTSD? The abbreviation stands for the post-traumatic stress disorder which appears in 3.5% of the US population. It appears and progresses once the person has survived a horrible incident and was seriously shocked. The causes may be various types of hate crime, violence, abuse, clinical death, etc. Those who suffer from PTSD live in half imaginary world where the worst things seem too real. They have weak nerves, are rather sensitive, and they often challenge numbness.

One of the most serious mental disorders is, perhaps, a bipolar syndrome. This disorder is also known as the manic-depressive one. 2.6% of the US citizens appear to suffer from this problem. They stop understanding who they are. They are unable to differentiate real things and their imaginary world. These people demonstrate rapid mood fluctuations and other changing patterns of behavior. They become less productive. Such people report of regular depressions. They feel like more than one person is inside their heads, so they may behave like two different personalities. They also can talk a mile a minute; it is difficult for them to listen to others attentively. They also may have troubles with memory.

Many movies and books cover the topic of schizophrenia as this is a very popular symptom even though only 1.1% of the American citizens have it. There are two types of symptoms found in these patients: positive and negative. Hallucinations and delusions both belong to the first group while the absence of characteristics/parameters possessed by the general population is from the negative group. Such people often have no desire to build any sort of relationships with others.

It is important to admit that every person has specific symptoms of this or that mental disorder. It all depends on personality, traits, and environment. Such things as emotions, points of view, and especially mood/patterns of behavior are the most changeable in individuals who suffer from any of the mental disorders.

All groups of mental illnesses are united by the following symptoms: melancholy, lack of focus, confusion, unreasonable anxiety, feeling of guilt, blocking social activities, blocking relationships, uneven exhaustion, fatigue, sleep disorders such as insomnia, imaginary world, denial of reality, inability to handle everyday assignments of any difficulty, absence of attention, inability to recognize cases and people around, addiction to alcohol, drugs, and gambling, absence of healthy sexual desire (or vice versa), rage, aptitude to suicide.