Mononucleosis Signs and Symptoms

Mononucleosis Signs and Symptoms

Dermatitis. There are a considerable number of ailments that give rise to dermatitis. Often enough, a bite from some insect, or an allergic reaction to the same, is at the root of the problem. That is to say, the rash is caused by a simple autoimmune response. Mononucleosis causes a persistent skin rash where the infection has spread into the person’s skin. While this rash is quite unpleasant to the eye, it does represent your body’s attempt to combat the disease.

Enlarged Lymph Glands. The lymph glands are a crucial component of the lymphatic system that is spread through the body, and which houses the immune cells that provide the body’s first defense against invading bacteria. When the body is fighting an infection, large numbers of these immune cells or white blood cells are created – this causes the lymph glands to become enlarged. There are lymph glands present not only in the neck but also in the armpits and in the groin, and all of these can become infected in a mononucleosis attack.

Regular headaches. As you can see, a person suffering from mononucleosis suffers from a great many symptoms that are also common to other ailments, from the common cold to simple dehydration. A headache could also be a symptom of an allergy. Nevertheless, a headache is significant in that there is a health issue present that must be dealt with. If you are feeling exhausted, and also suffer from a persistent headache, then this is a symptom that your doctor will definitely want to hear about when diagnosing you.